Thursday 19 June 2008

Kitty News

Cat Saves Dog from Certain death!
James Tuttat, a ninja warrior in retirement, has saved dog Millie Greenwaves from her stabbing. Down Microwave Alley, an unidentified mugger tried to stab and mugged 16-year-old Millie after she exited her hairdressers. However, a client, Mr Tuttat, came to the reuse from his little corner shop next to the Hairdressers.
"All I heard was Mrs. Greenwaves screaming, and I ran out," I said, shrugging, "I used my Kung Fu from when I was a young cat to save Millie, and I batted the animal away."
The mugger was a black rabbit, wearing a black hoodie, with a balaclava. The mugger hopped over buildings to escape, in extraordinary heights.
"With Those sort of powers, we'll find him," says confident Police Officer Hockey Bonk, Chief Investigator of this case.
Mrs. Greenwaves is shaken but pleased.
"He kicked the thing away!" she says excitedly, "He just punched it, and the kicked it and... well, he's welcome for a cup of coffee in my home any day!"